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On the Formatting toobar, click Show/hide toolbars.  This is the third row of tools.
Table Tools

Insert Table button Insert/Edit Table

  • General:  Set number of columns and rows, cell padding (vertical space), cell spacing (horizontal space), alignment, border width, table width/height and table caption.
  • Advanced:  Among others properties, set the table's border color and/or background color.

Table row properties button Table Row Properties

  • General:  Set the row type, horizontal/vertical alignment, and row height.  
  • Advanced:  Among others properties, set the row's background color.

Table cell properties button Table Cell Properties

  • General:  Set the horizontal/vertical alignment, cell type, width and height.
  • Advanced: Among others properties, set the cell's background color.

Insert row before button Insert Row Before — adds one row prior to the one selected (or the row where your cursor is located)

Insert row after button Insert Row After — adds one row after the one selected (or the row where your cursor is located)

Delete table row button Delete Row — delete the selected row(s)

Insert column before button Insert Column Before — adds one column prior to the one selected (or the column where your cursor is located)

Insert column after button Insert Column After — adds one column after the one selected (or the column where your cursor is located)

Delete column Delete Column — delete the selected column(s)

Split merged table cells button Split Merged Table Cells — splits the selected cell into multiple cells

Merge table cells button Merge Table Cells — merge the selected cells into one cell

Code protect button CodeProtect

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