UNL Announce

Skill Level: 
Appropriate for all

UNL Announce is used:

  • by departments/units to create UNL-branded email newsletters
  • by any member of the UNL community to submit items to
    • Nebraska Today (sent to all faculty and staff multiple times per week)
    • Next@Nebraska (sent to all students)
    • the afformentioned department newsletters
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msandin2's photo

Hi, I would like to request access to create and edit the Business Career Center newsletter and to be removed from the Procurement Services newsletter/Announce account. Mikki Sandin Assistant Director, Business Career Center Thanks!
msandin2's photo

I would like to run the analytics (newsletter opens and opens per article) on the Business Career Center newsletters for graduate and undergraduate audiences. I used to do this but am not finding the same options. Thanks for showing me how to do this again. Mikki