UNL Events

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Appropriate for all

UNL Events is the calendar system used by the University of Nebraska to publish upcoming events, share events between departments and colleges, and syndicate these events to websites and digital signage. The system implements a collection of different calendars, allowing users to keep their events separate from the University-at-large while being able to push them to the main UNL calendar when necessary.

UNL Events can be found at events.unl.edu and event calendars are visible to everyone. Specific department and college calendars have their own URL, such as events.unl.edu/law. Events are managed through the UNL Events Manager, which is accessible by anyone with a UNL account.

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swibben2's photo

World AIDS Day Concert
December 1, 2023 from 4 PM to 6 PM

The event is free and open to the public.
A free-will donation to support the Nebraska AIDS Project will be taken.
International Quilt Museum
1523 N. 33rd St.
Lincoln, NE 68583

Come Celebrate World AIDS Day with a performance of the songs from the AIDS Quilt Songbook and learn what the University of Nebraska is doing to fight AIDS across the state and the world. The event is sponsored by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, the International Quilt Museum, the Glenn Korff School of Music, the UNL Gender and Sexuality Center, UNMC, and the Nebraska AIDS Project.