UNL Web Framework Terms of Use

These terms of use apply to all websites at UNL described under Section 8, below, as well as any site that chooses to use the UNL Web Framework.

Section 1: Availability The UNL Web Framework (also known as the “templates”) is packaged as Dreamweaver Templates (.dwt), downloadable from the UNL Web Developer Network site (wdn.unl.edu). Information on becoming a member of WDN is found under Section 4 below. You are encouraged to publish your site through UNLcms (unlcms.unl.edu) if possible, as doing so will eliminate dependency on Dreamweaver or other web authoring applications and will facilitate other best practices of site maintenance.

Section 2: Modification of Code All UNL Web Framework code is the property of UComm/ITS Digital Experience Group and the UNL Web Developer Network. The code seen in a source code view is not, and may not be used as, a template. You may not use this code, a reverse-engineered version of this code, or its associated visual presentation in whole or in part to create a derivative work. You may not override stylesheets without the prior approval of the Web Developer Network.

Section 3: Code and Accessibility Compliance All UNL web resources must comply with state and federal accessibility standards. Developers should seek to attain Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0. All UNL Web Framework-based pages must validate to HTML5 standards (w3.org).

Section 4: Ongoing Participation Membership and regular participation in the UNL Web Developer Network is encouraged for users of the UNL Web Framework. Use the “Registration” link on the WDN site to become a member. Membership in the WDN will allow you to add your voice and your ideas to the ongoing evolution of the UNL website.

Section 5: Server Synchronization All framework-based websites must be synchronized with the UNL dependents files maintained by the UComm/ITS Digital Experience Group. Documentation on server synchronization is available on the WDN site.

Section 6: Revocation of Privileges Variances to these terms may be granted by the agreement of UNL University Communication and the UNL Web Developer Network. Web developers who repeatedly violate these terms, and who have not been granted a variance by the UComm/WDN, will be reported to the Office of the Chancellor for potential revocation of privileges to publish websites representing UNL or any part of UNL.

Section 7: Third Parties Any third-party web developers who are not employees of UNL may use the UNL Web Framework provided they comply with all sections above.

Section 8: Requirement “All websites of entities which are organizationally part of UNL are required to be published in the web templates developed and maintained by the UNL Web Developer Network. These sites must be published in accordance with the UNL Web Framework Terms of Use.”


  • faculty members’ personal web pages
  • affiliates of UNL which have been granted an exemption for marketing purposes

approved by Chancellor Harvey Perlman, 8/20/2009

approved by Web Advisory Group, 8/24/2009

Section 9: Quality Assurance All sites must be implemented according to the technical requirements of the UNL Web Framework, and must comply with the expressed intent of the design as set forth in the UNL Web Framework Standards Guide. Each site must pass a quality assurance review conducted by the WDN quality assurance review team. The quality assurance process will be repeated periodically for each site.