Skill Level: 

Background Blend Modes

Utility classes for use with illustrated pattern background images.

background-blend-mode: soft-light

Background Colors

Utility classes for background colors use the bg notation.

Primary Brand Background Colors

scarlet #d00000
cream #fefdfa
cream #fefdfa in dark mode

Secondary Brand Background Colors

Use in infographics, charts and graphs. Do not flood!

cerulean #42a7c6
green #00784e
light green #e7f1ea
light green #e7f1ea in dark mode
blue #007197
light blue #e7f0f0
light blue #e7f0f0 in dark mode
purple #b32d9c
light purple #f7eaf1
light purple #f7eaf1 in dark mode
yellow #ffd74e
orange #f58a1f

User Interface Background Colors

lightest gray #f6f6f5
lightest gray #f6f6f5 in dark mode
lighter gray #ebebea
lighter gray #ebebea in dark mode
light gray #e3e3e2 Note that use of .unl-scarlet (this includes links) on .unl-bg-light-gray is not color contrast compliant.
light gray #e3e3e2 in dark mode
dark gray #6b6b68
darker gray #424240
darkest gray #242423

Background Images

Utility classes for background images use the bg notation. Illustrated patterns should use the .unl-bg-soft-light class which applies a soft light background blend mode to the image and allows for the pattern to be placed over any background color.

grit background pattern
diagonal gradients background pattern, requires .unl-bg-soft-light class combined with desired background color class
illustrated general campus background pattern, requires .unl-bg-soft-light class combined with desired background color class
illustrated campus landmarks background pattern, requires .unl-bg-soft-light class combined with desired background color class
illustrated academic majors background pattern, requires .unl-bg-soft-light class combined with desired background color class

Border Colors

Border Colors (All Sides)

Utility classes for border colors (all sides) use the b notation.

border-color: scarlet #d00000, all sides
border-color: cream #fefdfa, all sides
border-color: lightest gray #f6f6f5, all sides
border-color: lighter gray #ebebea, all sides
border-color: light gray #e3e3e2, all sides
border-color: gray #c7c8ca, all sides
border-color: dark gray #6b6b68, all sides
border-color: darker gray #424240, all sides
border-color: darkest gray #242423, all sides

Border Top Colors

Utility classes for border top colors use the bt notation.

border-top-color: scarlet #d00000
border-top-color: cream #fefdfa
border-top-color: lightest gray #f6f6f5
border-top-color: lighter gray #ebebea
border-top-color: light gray #e3e3e2
border-top-color: gray #c7c8ca
border-top-color: dark gray #6b6b68
border-top-color: darker gray #424240
border-top-color: darkest gray #242423

Border Right Colors

Utility classes for border right colors use the br notation.

border-right-color: scarlet #d00000
border-right-color: cream #fefdfa
border-right-color: lightest gray #f6f6f5
border-right-color: lighter gray #ebebea
border-right-color: light gray #e3e3e2
border-right-color: gray #c7c8ca
border-right-color: dark gray #6b6b68
border-right-color: darker gray #424240
border-right-color: darkest gray #242423

Border Bottom Colors

Utility classes for border bottom colors use the bb notation.

border-bottom-color: scarlet #d00000
border-bottom-color: cream #fefdfa
border-bottom-color: lightest gray #f6f6f5
border-bottom-color: lighter gray #ebebea
border-bottom-color: light gray #e3e3e2
border-bottom-color: gray #c7c8ca
border-bottom-color: dark gray #6b6b68
border-bottom-color: darker gray #424240
border-bottom-color: darkest gray #242423

Border Left Colors

Utility classes for border left colors use the bl notation.

border-left-color: scarlet #d00000
border-left-color: cream #fefdfa
border-left-color: lightest gray #f6f6f5
border-left-color: lighter gray #ebebea
border-left-color: light gray #e3e3e2
border-left-color: gray #c7c8ca
border-left-color: dark gray #6b6b68
border-left-color: darker gray #424240
border-left-color: darkest gray #242423

Box Shadow

Add a box-shadow to an element.

box shadow


Primary Brand Colors

scarlet #d00000
scarlet #d00000 in dark mode
cream #fefdfa
gray #c7c8ca

Secondary Brand Colors

Use in infographics, charts and graphs. Do not flood!

cerulean #42a7c6
green #00784e
green #00784e in dark mode
light green #e7f1ea
blue #007197
blue #007197 in dark mode
light blue #e7f0f0
purple #b32d9c
purple #b32d9c in dark mode
light purple #f7eaf1
yellow #ffd74e
orange #f58a1f

User Interface Colors

lightest gray #f6f6f5
lighter gray #ebebea
light gray #e3e3e2
dark gray #6b6b68
dark gray #6b6b68 in dark mode
darker gray #424240
darker gray #424240 in dark mode
darkest gray #242423
darkest gray #242423 in dark mode

Color Variables

Variable Name Light Mode Value Dark Mode Value
--bg-badge #6b6b68 #e3e3e2
--bg-body #fefdfa #242423
--bg-brand-alpha #d00000 #d00000
--bg-brand-light-zeta #e7f1ea #00784e
--bg-brand-light-eta #e7f0f0 #007197
--bg-brand-light-theta #f7eaf1 #b32d9c
--bg-btn-inverse-primary #ebebea #ebebea
--bg-btn-inverse-secondary transparent transparent
--bg-btn-inverse-tertiary transparent transparent
--bg-btn-primary #d00000 #ebebea
--bg-btn-primary-hover #9d0000 #ffffff
--bg-btn-secondary #ffffff transparent
--bg-btn-secondary-tertiary-hover rgba(157,0,0,0.07) hsla(0,0%,100%,0.07)
--bg-btn-tertiary transparent transparent
--bg-card #fefdfa #393937
--bg-code rgba(0,0,0,0.05) hsla(0,0%,100%,0.1)
--bg-dialog #ffffff #393937
--bg-input #ffffff #1f1f1e
--bg-input-disabled #ebebea #424240
--bg-input-group-addon #f6f6f5 #6b6b68
--bg-inverse #424240 #c7c8ca
--bg-kbd #000000 #000000
--bg-light-gray #e3e3e2 #333332
--bg-lighter-gray #ebebea #2e2e2d
--bg-lightest-gray #f6f6f5 #292928
--bg-mark #ffff00 #ffff00
--bg-modal-header #fefdfa #242423
--bg-modal-wrapper #fefdfa #242423
--bg-overlay-dark rgba(36,36,35,0.94) rgba(0,0,0,0.94)
--bg-overlay-light hsla(45,67%,99%,0.94) rgba(0,0,0,0.94)
--bg-pre rgba(0,0,0,0.05) rgba(0,0,0,0.05)
--bg-radio #424240 #c7c8ca
--bg-required transparent rgba(157,0,0,0.25)
--bg-select-1 #ffffff #1f1f1e
--bg-select-2 #ffffff #1f1f1e
--bg-table-stripe #f6f6f5 #242423
--bg-tab-selected #ffffff #393937
--bg-tabs-panel #ffffff #393937
--bg-white #ffffff #393937
--b #e3e3e2 #42424
--b-breadcrumb-arrow #c7c8ca #c7c8ca
--b-btn-primary #d00000 #ebebea
--b-btn-primary-hover #9d0000 #ffffff
--b-btn-secondary currentColor currentColor
--b-btn-tertiary transparent transparent
--b-btn-inverse-primary #ebebea #ebebea
--b-btn-inverse-secondary currentColor currentColor
--b-btn-inverse-tertiary transparent transparent
--b-checkmark #424240 #c7c8ca
--b-fieldset #e3e3e2 #c7c8ca
--b-input #c7c8ca #6b6b68
--b-input-checked #424240 #c7c8ca
--b-input-focus #007197 #42a7c6
--b-input-group-addon #c7c8ca #6b6b68
--b-input-hover #6b6b68 #c7c8ca
--b-light-gray #e3e3e2 #424240
--b-lighter-gray #ebebea #424240
--b-lightest-gray #f6f6f5 #424240
--b-required transparent #9e0000
--b-table #e3e3e2 #424240
--b-tab #e3e3e2 #424240
--b-tabs-panel #e3e3e2 #424240
--active #9d0000 #a0d2e0
--badge #fefdfa #242423
--body #424240 #c7c8ca
--brand-alpha #d00000 #f6f6f5
--brand-zeta #00784e #e7f1ea
--brand-eta #007197 #e7f0f0
--brand-theta #b32d9c #f7eaf1
--brand-iota #ffd74e #ffd74e
--brand-kappa #f58a1f #f58a1f
--btn-inverse-primary #d00000 #d00000
--btn-inverse-secondary #ebebea #ebebea
--btn-inverse-tertiary #ebebea #ebebea
--btn-primary #ffffff #d00000
--btn-secondary #d00000 #ebebea
--btn-secondary-tertiary-hover #9d0000 #ffffff
--btn-tertiary #d00000 #ebebea
--caption #242423 #fefdfa
--code #5c5c59 #e1e2e3
--dark-gray #6b6b68 #e3e3e2
--darker-gray #424240 #ebebea
--darkest-gray #242423 #f6f6f5
--figcaption #6b6b68 #a4a4a1
--focus-outline #007197 #42a7c6
--form-help #6b6b68 #a4a4a1
--heading #242423 #fefdfa
--hover #9d0000 #a0d2e0
--input-group-addon #6b6b68 #a4a4a1
--inverse #fefdfa #242423
--inverse-active #fefdfa #242423
--inverse-hover #fefdfa #242423
--inverse-link #fefdfa #242423
--inverse-visited #fefdfa #242423
--kbd #00ff00 #00ff00
--link #d00000 #71bdd3
--required #d00000 #fefdfa
--select #424240 #c7c8ca
--tab-selected #424240 #c7c8ca
--visited #9d0000 #a0d2e0


sans-serif font: Work Sans
serif font: Source Serif
Requires additional JavaScript
display font: Liberator
monospace system fonts stack


Add frames to an element.

Add a circular frame to an element
Add a quadrilateral (rectangular) frame to an element
Add a circular frame to an element with .dcf-ratio-1x1, .dcf-circle, .unl-frame-circle.
Add a quadrilateral (rectangular) frame to an element with .unl-frame-quad.


Legacy Hero

Code for legacy hero:

<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="hero" -->
  <div class="dcf-hero dcf-d-flex dcf-relative unl-hero-legacy unl-bg-darkest-gray">
  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <div class="dcf-hero-group-1">
      <div class="dcf-breadcrumbs-wrapper">
        <nav class="dcf-breadcrumbs" id="dcf-breadcrumbs" role="navigation" aria-label="breadcrumbs">
          <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="breadcrumbs" -->
            <li><a href="">Glenn Korff School of Music</a></li>
            <li><a href="">Beyond the Classroom</a></li>
            <li><span aria-current="page">Ensembles</span></li>
          <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
      <header class="dcf-page-title" id="dcf-page-title">
        <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="pagetitle" -->
        <p class="dcf-subhead unl-font-sans unl-cream">Overline lorem ipsum</p>
        <h1 class="dcf-uppercase unl-cream">Undergraduate Page title</h1>
        <p class="dcf-subhead dcf-mt-4 unl-font-sans unl-cream">Subhead lorem ipsum</p>
        <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="herogroup1" -->
      <a class="dcf-mt-5 dcf-btn dcf-btn-inverse-primary" href="#">Button 1</a>
      <a class="dcf-mt-5 dcf-btn dcf-btn-inverse-secondary" href="#">Button 2</a>
      <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="herogroup2" -->
    <div class="dcf-hero-group-2 dcf-w-100% dcf-overflow-hidden">
      <div class="dcf-h-100% dcf-w-100% dcf-relative">
          class="dcf-obj-fit-cover dcf-h-100% dcf-w-100% unl-legacy-hero-bg"
          srcset="wdn/templates_5.0/images/dev/150821-tunnel-325-sm-min.jpg 284w,
                  wdn/templates_5.0/images/dev/150821-tunnel-325-md-min.jpg 505w,
                  wdn/templates_5.0/images/dev/150821-tunnel-325-lg-min.jpg 898w,
                  wdn/templates_5.0/images/dev/150821-tunnel-325-xl-min.jpg 1596w"
          alt="New students flow onto the field of Memorial Stadium during the annual Tunnel Walk.">
        <small class="dcf-absolute dcf-pin-bottom dcf-pin-right dcf-pt-2 dcf-pr-4 dcf-pb-2 dcf-pl-4 dcf-txt-3xs unl-font-sans unl-cream unl-legacy-hero-caption">Photo by Craig Chandler</small>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

Letter Spacing

letter-spacing: 0
letter-spacing: .01em
letter-spacing: .06em
letter-spacing: .1em
slightly tighter letter-spacing to match headings

Scroll Animations

fade from 0 to 1 opacity when scrolled into viewport
move from right to left when scrolled into viewport
move from left to right when scrolled into viewport
move up when scrolled into viewport
fade from 0 to 1 opacity all direct children when scrolled into viewport

All of the above classes require the following JavaScript to be included once on the page:

  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  }, false);
An image fades in from 0 to 1 opacity when scrolled into viewport with .unl-scroll-fx-fade-in.
<div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9 unl-scroll-fx-fade-in">
    class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
    alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
An image moves from the right to the left when scrolled into viewport with .unl-scroll-fx-move-left.
<div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9 unl-scroll-fx-move-left">
    class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
    alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
An image moves from the left to the right when scrolled into viewport with .unl-scroll-fx-move-right.
<div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9 unl-scroll-fx-move-right">
    class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
    alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
An image moves up when scrolled into viewport with .unl-scroll-fx-move-up.
<div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9 unl-scroll-fx-move-up">
    class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
    alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
Direct children of .unl-scroll-fx-children-fade-in fade in from 0 to 1 opacity at a staggered rate when scrolled into viewport.
<div class="dcf-grid-halves@sm dcf-grid-thirds@md dcf-col-gap-vw dcf-row-gap-5 unl-scroll-fx-children-fade-in">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
The .unl-scroll-fx-children-fade-in can be paired with the data-fx-duration and data-fx-stagger attributes to manually adjust the length of the animation and stagger rate, respectively.
<div class="dcf-grid-halves@sm dcf-grid-thirds@md dcf-col-gap-vw dcf-row-gap-5 unl-scroll-fx-children-fade-in" data-fx-duration="1.25" data-fx-stagger=".5">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">
  <div class="dcf-ratio dcf-ratio-16x9">
      class="dcf-ratio-child dcf-obj-fit-cover"
      alt="Concise – but descriptive – alternative text.">

Related: Aspect Ratio (Utilities), Images (Elements), Object-Fit (Utilities), Object-Position (Utilities)

Contributed By: