October 2021 Meeting Notes
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 2:00pm
Governance Board update
- Review subdomain and site creation requests
- Final dark mode launch discussions
- Governance Board elections next month
New Documentation / Coding example resource
- Working on a new coding resource for WDN website to show off coding examples that allows CSS / html changes in real time. Will hopefully be implemented in the next month.
Noel Levitz E-Expectations reflections
- https://www.ruffalonl.com/papers-research-higher-education-fundraising/e-expectations/
- Websites continue to be the most trusted source of information in the college search process
- Use of live chat increased 250% from 2019 to 2021
- If your website is not at the center of your University Communication for prospective students
WebAudit Metrics
Framework updates and discussion
- 5.3.6 Updates deploy Mon. October 18. Updates include:
- npm Update
- Append dependency query to RequireJS files for cache busting
- Only scroll tabs on displayTabByHash
- Dark Mode deployment
Dark mode notes
- Custom CSS - use framework classes for color and background-color as often as possible, or use framework CSS color variables in your own styles - https://wdn.unl.edu/documentation/5.0/css/unl-specific#color-variables
- Dark mode potential "gotchas" - SVG and PNG images - use @dark for background-color utilities (e.g. unl-bg-cream@dark on wrapper)
UNLcms Updates
- Improvements made for form validity in Web Audit - Forms/Views exposed filters should have better scans
- Coming soon: moving www sites to subdomains. Any sites like www.unl.edu/whatever will be moved to whatever.unl.edu
- Much easier to maintain on the technical side of the CMS, redirects will be in place for all pages so no links will break