jQuery UI

Old Version

This documentation is for version Framework 4.1. When developing new sites, please refer to 5.0 Framework Documentation.

Skill Level: 

The framework includes the commonly used jQuery UI library which provides some common widgets for websites. A few of the widgets that jQuery UI includes are the accordion, autocomplete and datepicker widgets. It also provides interaction helpers for drag and drop as well as resizing and sorting.

To enable jQuery UI features, simply initialize the library as follows:

WDN.initializePlugin('jqueryui', [function () {
 var $ = require('jquery');
 //use jQuery ui code here


jQuery UI Documentation Site

These examples are in the jQuery UI site. The jQuery UI site provides complete documentation for each of the interface elements.

Demos on the jQuery UI Site

WDN Examples

The WDN examples are simply visual examples of what the interface elements look like within the UNLedu Web Framework. No documentation is provided.

Framework Examples

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