March 2015

March 2015 Meeting Notes

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 1:45pm
Stats of UNLedu

Global breadth: United States account for about 87% of traffic, 223 countries according to Google Analytics

Real-time stats

Affiliate Template Update

Ryan and Eric will finalize and add to WDN framework

WDN Shared Governance Board Report

Development of process for QA Review: site owner invited to review for a collaborative process, WDN to help provide solutions; will start with highly trafficked sites, our own sites. What kind of time commitment? Will vary by site. WebAudit tool used to supplement other areas of focus: responsive/style guide, accessibility/validity, IA/content strategy, media/copyright.

WDN Membership Survey: will allow us to get some statisitics on developer experience level, time spent working on sites. The survey will be sent to those on the WDN listserv, but can is open to—and can be forwared—to others. Beyond the people that show up for meetings, we don't have a good idea of our user base. We're hoping this survey will help us to serve better content and improve our meetings.

UNL WebAudit update

You can now view which pages link to other pages to identify and fix problems

The "Rescan This Page" button has been moved under "Links."

"Fix" now opens a new tab.

Michael is working on better "how to fix" content.