Skill Level: Appropriate for all
What types of errors does WebAudit check for?
WebAudit checks for the following categories of errors:
UNLedu Framework
Checks for adherence to UNL and WDN standards and guidelines including the use of the most recent version of the UNLedu Web Framework
Link Checker
Reports links that are broken or redirecting (which probably means they will break soon)
W3C HTML Validator
Checks for HTML validation errors which helps to ensure that your website functions on all browser an device combinations
Checks for accessibility errors which might create barriers for people with disabilities from consuming your content
How do I fix an error?
View a list of common WebAudit report errors and tips on how to fix them. If you need help, please feel free to ask your question in the WDN chat room
What is a good strategy for fixing a site with a lot of errors?
Sometimes it can be overwhelming to fix a website with a lot of errors. Generally speaking the best strategy is to focus on errors that impact users the most before moving on to the rest of the errors. Therefore, it is best to focus on Link Checker and Accessibility errors first. Then move on to HTML validation errors and UNLedu Framework errors.
It is also often helpful to glance at the errors on several pages. If an error is repeated on several pages, it is usually means that there is an error in part of your site that is shared on every page, such as the header, footer, or shared content. It can be very helpful to fix these errors first and reduce a lot of the clutter in the WebAudit report.
Once you have fixed some errors on the page, you can rescan the individual page by clicking the 'Rescan this page' button. If you do not see the button, make sure that you are logged in and are a member of the site in WebAudit.
It is important to note that WebAudit can not discover all problems on a site, especially when it comes to accessibility. Therefor you must manually test your site to ensure that everything works and all content is accessible. WebAudit can discover a lot of problems and can be very helpful, but it can't find everything.
How do I know what changed on my site that caused my score to plummet?
If your score takes a sudden dive for the worse, it usually means that WebAudit found an error that is shared on many pages. Take a look at the Changes since the last scan section of the report to see what pages changed. Click through to the page report for one of the pages to see what errors were found.
How does WebAudit grade my site?
WebAudit grades with a pass/fail method. Each page will 'fail' if at least one error is found on the page. A percent grade is also calculated that shows the percent of passing pages so that you can get a better idea of the overall quality of your site. The Web Developer Network has established the only passing score for a site is 100%.
Contributed By: IIM