TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018 - 2:00PM
WDN Shared Governance Board Update
- Standards Guide (open for comments): https://go.unl.edu/fiveoh_guide
WDN Board Elections
- HUGE Thank you to outgoing members - Becky Aiken (IANR Media), Mike O'Connor (College of Arts & Sciences), Hardik Patel (Information Technology Services)
- Voting is now open - Closes Dec. 3, 5 p.m.
- WDN Board Candidates:
- Danielle Dewees (4H)
- Anne Holz (IANR Media)
- David Houfek (Graduate Studies)
- Derek Niewohner (Housing)
- Melissa Sinner (Libraries)
- Martin Wolff (ITS)
WebAudit Metrics
- Up and down this month: https://webaudit.unl.edu/groups/unl/
User Preference Survey
- 255 form submissions - Links to summaries and data below:
5.0 Framework Production-Ready Release
- Font change to open, friendly Gotham
- Topic-based navigation
- Standard use of breadcrumbs
- CSS Grid
- Non UNLcms sites - Templates ready for download
- More information
- DCF Documentation - http://www.digitalcampus.us/
- WDN Documentation (including 4.1 styles mapped to 5.0) - https://wdn.unl.edu/50-classes
- For reading / studying up on CSS Grid - CSS Grid Garden
Drupal 8/UNLcms Timeline and Updates
- Developing content types / content displays (bands/slices) and widgets in 5.0.
- Will have production ready in 5.0 in Drupal 8 in November
- Preview for Drupal 7 - How to theme switch to 5.0 in UNLcms
5.0 Framework Coding Workshop - Using the Transition Shim
- Using DCF classes to develop for 5 in 4.1 - Learn how to use the new classes in your current site.