
Creates a bio / contact page. Will automatically pull basic contact information (image, job title, department, address, phone, email) from Directory, with overrides for each available. There are fields for expanded bio, education, and additional information (which can be formatted with basic text editing), as well as additional fields for social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat) and personal website. 

These pages can then be added to a builder page to create a directory with the following steps:

  1. Go to "Content -> Add Content -> Builder Page"
  2. Once this page is created and saved, go to the "Layout" tab
  3. For each "Section" of your directory page,  choose a single column layout
  4. Click the "Add Component" button, and then choose "More..." 
  5. One the sidebar, choose "Curated Lists -> People" to select how you want your Person nodes to display, then use the auto-complete area to display the people you've added to the site (Teaser Featured is a large, full column display that will include a snippet of bio text if it is added, Teaser small is a picture and a name that can be clicked through to reach the full bio page). 


The "Curated Lists -> People" block can be used in the following section layouts in a layout builder page

  • One column