News Item

This allows you to add a news story to your site, formatted similarly to those at Nebraska Today. You can add a lead photo, author name, article text, related links, and article contact information. Once entered, these news items are aggregated in a news feed that you can place into any page on your site.

To add a latest news section to a page:

  1. Go to the "Layout" tab of the builder page that you wish to add them to
  2. Go to the area of the page where you want the news feed, click "+Add Section" and choose a single column layout
  3. Click the "Add Component" button, and then choose "More..." 
  4. One the sidebar, choose "Aggregated Content -> News Aggregation" to select how many news items you want to display (4, 8, 12, or 16) and what you want your news section to be titled ("Latest News" is typical). Click "Add Block" and any news items you've added to the site will display in your new section.

In addition to adding local news items to your site, you can pull news items from Nebraska Today that will display on your site alongside any locally entered items in a latest news band, as well as on a news page. 

To pull News items from Nebraska Today:

  1. Go to "Configuration -> Content Authoring -> UNL News"
  2. Scroll through the list of tags and select the tag or tags (multi-select or de-select by holding down the "command" key. Once you have selected your tags, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save Configuration." 
  3. Once the page has saved, scroll back up to the "Retrieve Articles" section and click "Retrieve Items from API." Once it has finished, the page will reload with a number of items in the "Import Queue" section.
  4. In the "Import Queue" section, click the "Process Remaining Items" button and don't close the page until all items have been imported. If it is a larger number (20 or more), it will take 5 minutes or longer. Once it has finished, the news item teaser nodes will load to your site and appear in both your "Latest News" band and on your news page at