How this works
In order to provide end users with a predictable online environment, including predictable naming conventions for subdomains, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has implemented a request-and-review process for the assigning of subdomains to sites on our digital campus. The Web Developer Network Shared Governance Board (WDN Board) considers subdomain requests on behalf of the institution. By completing the form below, your request is submitted to the WDN Board for consideration, using the Domain Name Policy. Denials may be appealed to the WDN Board and will be considered at the board's next upcoming meeting; the board meets twice each month.
In general, please consider whether your subdomain request is appropriately scoped. Be as specific as required for understanding. As an example: a request without localization to a unit of the university, say "," is not likely to be granted unless the service provides a directory to all podcasts produced by UNL. Generally, requesting multiple third-level domains for a single college/department/unit is discouraged. If the Department of Physics were to develop a library of podcasts, for example, the best course for SEO and findability would be to include the podcast directory within the Physics site at rather than creating Yet Another Website at, for example,
For the short and memorable address to deeply-nested content that a communication campaign might require, our short-URL service at can provide custom aliases, such as
Note: Making this subdomain request should be the last step in your site development process. The in-development site should be ready for review by the WDN Shared Governance Board to make sure that it adheres to UNL web best practices. If you don't already have one, request one at the Next-Gen CMS site request.
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