WDN Board 3/9/15 Meeting Notes

MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015 - 10:00AM

Review Sites
WDN Agenda for 3/10
WDN Survey


Discussed survey questions from last meeting. Bob will build survey form.

WDN/UNLcms Meetings

First hour, demos and general information re. framework and web publishing;

Second Hour, UNLcms and Public Info Management Systems, more of a workshop hour than a meeting. (Should we rearrange tables/chairs during break to make this clear?)


WDN Agenda 3/10

Stat of the month:

  • Real-Time Stats
  • Global Breadth?

Governance Board

  • - development of process for QA review
  • - what would be helpful for you as a UNL web developer?
  • - what resources do you need?
  • - survey announcement

UNL WebAudit changes

  • - page linking, better integration (Kevin)


Future items:

  • The ins and outs of PDFs
  • Why youtube embeds aren't the best choice