MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015 - 10:00AM
Shared Governance Board upate - Finished rubric (Erin Chambers)
Image compression (20 minutes?) - tools and best practices (Ryan Dee)
Captions (goofy Youtube captions, segue into new mediahub caption features)
Site Review #3: Broke into Groups
Site: College of Engineering
We should collect screenshots of Youtube autocaptions that are way off
JAWS 125-character limit (alt tags) is not well-known; we should talk about this with the WDN
Site title - how should subsites appear here (or elsewhere)? H3 underneath? the site title 'furniture' that visitors often overlook?
How do we indicate whether a link will take you to a subsite? Offsite?
- Template needs indicators for links "going to subsite" or "going to external website"?
- Interstitial page built-in to the CMS "You are leaving, do you want to do this?"
- For external page: boxed arrow pointing up and out
- For subsite (new navigation): boxed arrow pointing down and out
Image compression
- Cover benefits of compression & common tools at next WDN meeting (Ryan will do this)
- There are problems with Drupal's compression tool, which sometimes increases file sizes instead of decreasing them
- We have to weigh the importance of images in our designs. The website is mobile-first, so should images that are 5000px wide (for example) even be allowed?
- Do we have standards for image widths (in pixels)? 1600px is common, but is that what we want to go with?
- Pass standards down to web administrators, so that they can limit the max size on specific image fields and help their contributors conform to the standards