TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015 - 2:00PM
WDN Shared Governance Board election results
2016 WDN Board Membership: Erin Chambers, Bob Crisler, Ryan Dee, Michael Fairchild, Loren Frerichs, Anne, Holz, Matthew Honke, David Merriman, Melissa Sinner
Thank you to Alan Eno, Kevin Abel, Mike Sammons, and Martin Wolff.
UNLedu Stats
- 480 pages delivered each minute
- 69 million delivered in the past 365 days (pageviews up 10%, avg. session duration up 41%)
- 27% of visits are from a mobile device (up ~20% YOY)
- 1.25 million 30-day actives
- Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE (in that order, Chrome is about 40%, 2/3 of Safari is mobile iOS)
Mediahub captioning updates
- 1,247 minutes captioned so far (two months in)
- 13:57 average length of video past 30 days
4.1 Progress Update
Breadcrumbs displayed with more hierarchy in mobile. Search is now available in main bar in mobile. Local and global footers are separated.
Old columns are still supported (wdn-grid-set-halves through wdn-grid-set-sevenths) will still work, but new widths have been created including eighths, ninths, and tenths.
New breakpoints. Old breakpoints of bp1, bp2, etc will still work, but new breakpoints (bp480, bp640, etc) are more representative of pixel breakpoints, and new ones have been created for large screen widths (including bp1600).
Still addressing some minor visual issues with breadcrumbs, but 4.1 is ready for review and use.
4.1 Update Schedule
- 12/8: Header / Footer complete for provisional implementation
- 12/11 and 12/18: Open House 9-11:30 a.m. for provisional implementation support - 420 University Terrace, 7B Agricultural Communication
- 1/4/16 Monday: University Resumes after Holiday Shutdown
- 1/5/16 Tuesday: Rollout
- 1/5/16 Tuesday - Friday: Open House for Support Issues at 420 University Terrace, 7B Agricultural Communications
Not Available.