TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 - 2:00PM
WDN Meeting Agenda
WDN Shared Gov Board Update
- Welcome any new hires and intro to HipChat
- 2017 Elections coming up
- QA Reviews on deck: crec.unl.edu and parking.unl.edu
- Elections
- Submit name by end of day Nov 1 (form will be up at October meeting)
- Voting beings Tuesday, Nov 8 (but prioritize the national election on that day)
- Voting closes Dec 1
- New board announced Tuesday, Dec 13
- Term begins Jan 1, 2016
Back-to-school analytics
- Maps use up 28% YoY
- Mobile use continues to rise: now 39%
- Chrome and Safari > 75%
- Visits from Canada up 99% YoY (displaces India as top non-U.S.)
- Session duration off slightly: 3m31s (1%)
Upcoming meetings of note
- Brand Summit, Wed, Sept 14, 9:30a.m. Gaughan Unity Room
- Women in IT conference - Nov 7-8 Innovation Campus $75
- List of presenters
- Volunteers needed: todd.jensen@unl.edu
UNL Maps Updates - Kevin Abel
- Updated interface with new data - no longer using red dots to identify buildings, instead using building outline polygons to interact with data
- Updated parking layers, Sheldon sculpture information, GPS-based buses
- Embed code available on WDN website
Drupal 8 Update
- Timeline - Fall 2016 launch shared infrastructure site at top level, start integrating other sites beyond that
- update to WYSIWYG editor - all non block-level elements will now be wrapped in a paragraph tag
- Chancellor's blog example of a basic block site with tags, links to static content
Documentation Updates
- Recent updates
- Review existing documentation
- What additional items need to be covered?
- Who can volunteer to help
- Framework Roadmap (for discussion)