April 2017 Meeting Notes

TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017 - 2:00PM

WDN Shared Gov Board update

  • Welcome any new hires and intro to HipChat
  • UX design subcommittee - Will be focusing on user testing
  • QA Reviews: formation of subcommittee in order to review sites. Working on testing new review rubric. Planning to meet once a month after the WDN meeting and move through a list of sites to review.


  • No Framework update this month
  • WebAudit - lots of work this month with federation and opening it to use within system. University of Nebraska Central is now using it, and Indiana is looking into it. Queue has been updated to support multiple sites so that sites move through the system faster.
  • 4.2 on the Horizon

UNLchat Refresh

  • Style refresh
  • Accessibility
    • Needs to work with screen readers, be keyboard operable (no mouse), and announce updates (new messages)

UNLcms Updates

University of Nebraska Web Summit recap

  • Discussion of efficiencies like Newsroom, WebAudit, asset management, html emails, shared web framework (minus branding layer),

Accessibility series (Michael, 15 min)