December 2017 Meeting Notes

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2017 - 2:00PM


WDN Shared Governance Board updates

  • Election results for the 2018-2019 term of the Governance Board
    • Erin Chambers
    • Ella Durham
    • Michael Riese
  • UX Design Subcommittee
    • Compiling a list of items that already have extensive research behind them and focus on items that are missed
    • Plan on doing usability studies early in 2018, with larger web survey alongside
  • QA Review Subcommittee

    • Will meet either later this year or early next to go over sites. Starting at most-trafficked sites at UNL and will move down list.
      Upcoming sites to be reviewed:
      • ITS
      • Food
      • Grad Studies
      • Libraries
      • Housing

    Information Architecture updates/re-think

    • Ryan has done compilation of huge number of peer institutes. Leaning towards subject / action based navigation, starting at the top level, but would like to meet with communicators at each college to do a more comprehensive card sort to see if 75% of college / department items can overlap, then go from there.

    UNLcms / Drupal 8

    • New feature to allow federated logins to UNMC / UNO / Central rolling out next month

    Monthly Framework Updates

    • Small changes, mostly related to fixing footer icon display and some other minor display issues. View Changelog

    Digital Campus Framework (DCF) 1.0 / UNL Theme 5.0 update (Ryan)

    • New foundation of what we build our framework on
    • Visual design / technologies are still being discussed / developed

    Workshop: How to Use Git (Ryan)

    • Beginners guide to using Github

Meeting Recording

December Zoom Meeting