TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2019 - 2:00PM
WDN Shared Governance Board Update
- Meeting time changes (reminder, meetings are open to all)
- New board meeting time: Thursdays, 3pm - 5pm
WDN Chat is moving to Slack: unlwdn.slack.com
- Purpose
- Account sign-up process
- Will eliminate anonymous questions
WebAudit Metrics
- Up and down this month: https://webaudit.unl.edu/groups/unl/
5.0 Templates updates
- TIPS logo will be re-added to footer
- Form style updates are coming
WebAudit Errors
- Framework-related errors are being addressed (e.g. duplicate IDs)
Drupal 7/8/UNLcms Updates
- New Hero in Drupal 7
- Will have full demo and rollout for March WDN meeting
UNL Web Framework 5 Transition Progress Report
- UNL Progress report in Webaudit
- If you have a site or see one in 4.1 still, try to move into 5.0, as notices will be sent out soon.
- Framework 5 App Update Progress (most main apps in F5 Phase one or two, Lockups and others to come along)