TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2021 - 2:00PM
Governance Board update
- Framework theme colors – adding additional grays for use in UI and in dark mode
- Eventually merge events and events band components with ability to modify layouts in config settings
- Standardize aspect ratio for images in events – 1×1
- Discuss controlled vocabularies (e.g., tagging)
- Review subdomain and site creation requests
WebAudit Metrics
Framework updates and discussion
- 5.3 Updates deploy Thursday afternoon, Aug 9. Updates include:
- npm Update – requires use of node v14.17.0 and Babel 7
- DCF 3.0 – JavaScript files are now ES6 modules (then converted to ADM modules in UNLedu 5.3)
- Lazy load and scroll animation fixes – Thanks for reporting, Isaac
- Incident reporting link in footer – TIPS updated to UNL Report
- Merger of events band and events widgets
- Dark Mode tentatively scheduled for fall break - Monday Oct 18 or Tues Oct. 19 - Dark Mode Switcher
UNLcms Updates
- In UNLcms, deprecated CSS is automatically added to each site for backwards compatibility, to turn it off, go to site -> Appearance -> 5.x Settings -> Bottom of page under "Advanced Settings" there is a box to check if you want to include deprecated CSS.