TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022 - 2:00PM
Governance Board update
- Reviewed Subdomain Requests
- Discussed Abandoned Sites - this will become more of a priority as we get closer to moving into Drupal 9
- Restarting Site Reviews
WebAudit Metrics
- All Numbers Up! - https://webaudit.unl.edu/groups/unl/
- WDN Governance Board will be resuming site reviews this summer, based on a list of prioritized sites.
Universal Analytics -> G4
- Universal analytics will no longer process data beyond July 1, 2023
- Putting together dashboards for different accounts and will make them available in the future.
Framework updates and discussion - Deploys Tues. afternoon, May 10
- Fix modal scrolling on iOS
- Convert slideshow previous/next buttons from list to div group
- Add playsinline attribute as requirement for autoplay videos
- Coming next
- GSAP/Scrolltrigger for animation effects
- Toggle switch buttons component
- Popover component
UNLcms Updates
- In the next month, we'll have further updates about what to do on Google Analytics.