TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2023 - 2:00PM
Governance Board update
- Discussion of agenda for upcoming year, subdomain requests
- Discussion of GA4 and Matomo - New #analytics channel in Slack - contact Ryan Dee (on Slack or ryan.dee@unl.edu if interested in attending regular meetings to strategize GA4 implementation
- Webaudits returning as 0% with out-of-date Framework dependents. This sometimes happens when a WebAudit scan runs right around the same time. This can be resolved by simply re-running your WebAudit scan.
- Events Structured Data - Update from Tommy. Small roadblock with regards to location field. Looking into
WebAudit Metrics
Framework updates
- Toggle / popover component (part 1) - Part 2 coming next month
- Remove mobile menu gradient overlays
- Update footer copyright date from 2022 to 2023
UNLcms Updates
- Staging sites currently redirecting back to production sites - if you're having trouble reaching your staging site, contact Eric
- More to come next month on Drupal 9