TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2023 - 2:00PM
Governance Board update
- Discussion of developer group with higher levels of privilege within CMS
- How to create a page without anyone seeing it? Add new content and before clicking "Save," go to "publishing options" and uncheck the "Published" button. The content
- Embedding a UNL Map location on your website
WebAudit Metrics
Analytics Updates
- Universal Analytics will allow you to access previous data for the next six months or so, so if you need historical data, download that ASAP.
- Ryan has been working on built-in customized reports for sites, contact Ryan if you need one
Framework updates
- 5.3.34 update will deploy August 8
- Adjustment to Modal wrapper max-height
- Add --brand--kappa (orange)
- Update for new version of search
Public Information Apps Updates
- Mediahub - Additional aspect ratios for videos: 9x16, 4x3, 3x4, 1x1
- Events - New Location requirements, virtual locations, support for google micro data and meta tags, calendar lookup page, redesign even creation and edit page, new API
- Maps - Update and redesign coming soon
Drupal 7
- Upgrade to fix 500 errors on UNLcms
Next-Gen CMS updates
- New component: Tabs
- Horizontal rule button, different width styles in WYSIWYG editor
- Add support for ?format=partial to get a page without the UNL template
Reminder: Next-Gen CMS
- Before You Start
- Getting a New Site - Next-Gen CMS website
- Development within Layout Builder demo
- Sign Up for intro/help sessions
- Next-Gen CMS Documentation