October 2023 Meeting Notes

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2023 - 2:00PM

Governance Board update

  • Subdomain Requests
  • Discussion of UNL CMS Developer Group - first meeting is Thursday, October 12

Shared Governance Board


  • ascent-override and size-adjust in WebAudit - these properties are used for matching system font fallbacks to web font proportions to avoid cumulative layout shift on page load. Overrides added in WebAudit and should now be fixed
  • Can get to go.unl.edu QR codes for any url by adding .svg or .png to the end of that URL (UI interface for this will be coming soon). example - https://go.unl.edu/apply.svg

WebAudit Metrics

Analytics Updates

  • If you haven't backed up your Universal Analytics Data, you should now.
  • Matomo added to Framework - self-hosted analytics will allow for long-term analytics history (GA4 is limited to 14 months). It will also provide a more comprehensive overview of analytics across our sites where GA4 is not allowed

Framework updates

  • 5.3.39 update will deploy Thursday, October 12
    • Additional optimizations to web fonts and critical CSS
    • Work Sans Semibold replaces usage of Bold; Work Sans Bold can be used with .dcf-bolder class
    • Remove icon font from components (UNLAlert, month widget, form validator
    • Update popup button class names
    • Added Matomo analytics to framework; more to come

Public Information Apps Updates

  • Lockup Factory - New brand fonts have replaced the old ones.
  • WebAudit - 301 redirect notice has been added back into WebAudit - notices that will not affect score

Update your WebAudit Records

  • Several identifiers have been added to WebAudit to identify Primary and Secondary Developer and Owner (Under "Members > Edit Roles" for your listed sites)
  • Starting soon, we'll begin reporting progress around our migration to the next-generation CMS environment. Some sites have many admins listed. Funtionally for this immediate purpose, the Dev1, Dev2 and Owner roles will be the group to which communications and reporting will be sent regarding the sites they're responsible for.

Next-Gen CMS updates

Reminder: Next-Gen CMS