March 2025

Shared Governance Board update

Board Membership Changes

  • Thanks to Yahya Shema (Biological Systems Engineering) for his service to the board
  • Welcome, Sydney Brown (Center for Transformative Teaching)


Gov Board meetings are first and third Thursdays at 2 p.m. on Non-members may join as nonvoting attendees.


SQL Injection Attacks
Student Life is experiencing SQL Injection attacks. They’re failing, obviously. Is anyone experiencing attacks?
We’ve had this happen with a couple of forms and changed the overall submission limit time on the CMS. There are some other options within individual webforms that you can set to limit submissions, including number of submissions per user, number of submissions per user per certain time frame, and of course limiting submission to logged in users. We’re trying to find the right balance between getting the submissions we want and limiting these kinds of attacks.

Reorder People in a List
When I go to edit a people block that exists I can’t add a new person in the middle of the list. I would have to delete all of the ones after them to add a new one in the middle. Any way to fix this?
You can add a new one, then those little pills with the names on them are drag and drop, so you can re-order them as needed.

Post-dating Content
What is the process to post-date a news story on my website? I want to post a news item today, but don’t want it to appear on my front page or in my news items until March 12. I changed the authored by date, but that didn't do it. Is this possible?
Until we get scheduling in place, you’d just have to leave it unpublished until that date that you want it to be live.

Ryan Dee

Editing Footers on Groups Sites
Is the footer on a groups site page supposed to be applying the same footer as the rest of the site or do I have to add that separately?
You will find controls for editing those sections on the Edit Group page. Go to Groups and then Edit and you will find them below where you set the group name and affiliation and such.

WebAudit Metrics

  • WATCH YOUR LINKS! With all sites live in the new system, some links may have changed. CMS sites have a built-in page (ReportsTop 'page not found' errors) that shows a list of URLs that users are visiting that result in Not Found being shown.

Analytics Updates

  • Action Required! Google Analytics Update - Not just CMS sites, everyone using GA needs to do this
    • Background: By default, GA adds a cookie for all of This results in users having a buildup of a lot of cookies when they have browsed a lot of UNL sites. This can cause errors when their browser tries to send all the cookies. Solution: Add a dimension called "cookie_domain" that is set to your site's domain, such as
  • More Information in WDN Cache article

Framework updates

  • Update 5.3.55 - deploying next week
    • Added analytics event for search modal open and close
    • Update footer links
    • Add overflow-x: clip to nav menu (to fix Safari scrolling bug)
  • Beginning work on Version 6 (tentatively deploys July 8, 2025)
    • Replace Grunt with Vite
    • Replace jQuery with vanilla JavaScript
    • Replace RequireJS with JavaScript Modules
    • Use Page Transitions and Web Animation APIs
    • Redesign header and footer
    • and more...
    • Framework Roadmap

CMS updates

Features Live now

  • Performance Improvement - Memcache has been added on the backend and should speed up site and page loads
  • Card Backgrounds - If you have cards in a section, they will now all have the same height. If you're adding a card, place it in a new section instead of under another card, so they have standard height.
  • Accordion Updates - Title is now optional, as well as checkboxt to open items (which are closed by default)
  • Mediahub audio embed consistent height
  • Slideshow and Tabs Temporary Display issue fix - permanent fix coming with Framework 6
  • Group Admin persmissions
  • Node Include updates - Node include component now available in all section layouts, custom content type node includes now available
  • Google Analytics Migration - Have moved to Google Tag Manager for further configuration
  • Person Content Type Updates - Users referenced in person node can now edit their own pages, They must log in, navigate to their own page, then click the edit button
  • Person lists with different numbers of list items are now displaying consistently
  • Webaudit error fixes
    • Unique Tab IDs - tabs with duplicate titles will now generate unique IDs to prevent breaking the component. This affects anchor links generated for tab item titles
    • Issues - fixed for better structured data
    • Phone Number Formatting - use the provided help text for proper formatting, only numeric characters are allowed
    • Anchor Link and URL validation

Public Information Apps Updates

  • Bug fixes for Directory, WebAudit, Chat. Working on Framework 6 javascript updates.


Watch recording of meeting