TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2024 - 2:00PM
Shared Governance Board update
- Subdomain requests
- Revisited text-wrap options.
- CMS Documentation discussion
- Anchor link discussion
- Media Library Best Practices Documentation
UX Design Subcommittee
- New Slack channel - #ux-design-sub-committee - and potential for regular meettngs (TBA)
WebAudit Metrics
Analytics Updates
- If you haven't completed migration to GA4 by July 1, 2024, you must set up new analytics and download data as old data will be removed on that date
- If you want a Google Looker Studio panel, please contact Ryan Dee
Framework updates
- 5.3.47 update will deploy Tuesday, March 19
- Add mixins/utilities for background-blend-mode: multiply and mix-blend-mode: soft-light
- Add single diagonal gradient mixin/utility bg-diagonal-gradient
- Add styles for button-as-link (.dcf-btn-as-link)
- Text-wrap:pretty for paragraphs, lists, and details (Chrome, Edge, Opera) - text-wrap: balance for headings
Next-Gen CMS updates
- "Replicate" feature now available. Can clone any page on your site. Will see "Replicate" tab (sixth tab from left). To replicate page, click tab, choose new page title, and click "Replicate" button. Page that loads will be the replicated page. Will not have a set URL until you edit and save the page.
- Previously we noted that on March 1 we will be deleting old CMS sites that are archived (not live) and in "Maintenance Mode." We will no longer be deleting sites, but marking them for deletion. If you have a concern about a particular site, email eric@unl.edu
- Moving a lot of older, untouched sites into "Maintenance Mode."
- Temporary Transition (formerly Archive) Page tool is now available. Under "Configuration -> UNL Transition Page Import." This will allow you to move pages to you a new site into a temporary page (that will still need to be rebuilt in Layout Builder). - full demo coming to April meeting
Reminder: Next-Gen CMS
- Before You Start
- Training: Every first and third Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. - Sign up for an upcoming training
- Getting a New Site - Next-Gen CMS website
- Next-Gen CMS Documentation