WebAudit API - Registry

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Resource URI

GET https://webaudit.unl.edu/registry/?format=json&query={query}

The query must be URL encoded.

Resource Properties

Property Description
query String: The URL encoded query. This can either be a URL or a user with the format of {username}@{provider}


A set of site objects. The most specific results will be returned first and then progress to the least specific results.

A site object

"base_url": {
  "support_email": null,
  "support_groups": null,
  "title": "The title of the site",
  "members": {
    "id (internal id of the user)": {
      "provider": "the provider name",
      "uid": "the uid that was provided by the provider",
      "roles": [
    //more members

Site object example

"http:\/\/acreage.unl.edu\/": {
    "support_email": null,
    "support_groups": null,
    "title": "Acreage\nInsights",
    "members": {
        "5926": {
            "provider": "UNL",
            "uid": "aholz4",
            "roles": [
        "6638": {
            "provider": "UNL",
            "uid": "jabele3",
            "roles": [
        "5923": {
            "provider": "UNL",
            "uid": "s-mfairch4",
            "roles": [
        "5925": {
            "provider": "UNL",
            "uid": "nstoner2",
            "roles": [
        "5924": {
            "provider": "UNL",
            "uid": "sbrowning2",
            "roles": [

URL Query Example


Person Query Example

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